
Find myself, Try my best手抄报作品展


  I feel so bad today.

  I don't want to lose any game.

  But I never win today.

  We lost the game.

  I feel very sad.

  I don't want that.

  I need to try my best.

  I am lack of confidence.

  I am lack of courage.

  I lost myself.

  I need to know what am I doing,

  I want to be stronger.

  I want to be outstanding.

  I can try my best.

  I need confidence.

  But I say many times on the process of my maturing.

  I lost my saying.

  I am so crowd.

  I need couragement.

  I need to work hard.

  I had the brave heart.

  I need to stand out and say hi man what is up?

  I need to be better.

  I want to find myself.

  I can do that.

  I say I can do that,

  I am a man now.

  I pray to my god,

  I pray to my life.

  I can do it.

  I need to do it.

  I pray to my heart.

  I can do it.

  I can do my best.

  I can find myself.

  I must find myself.

  I don't want my family shame.

  I don't want my father dispointed.

  I don't want to see my girlfriend cry.

  I don't want my brother being silent.

  I don't want my sister being sad.

  I want all people who love me be good.

  I need to be better.

  I promise to my heart.

  I promise to my sky.

  I promise to my life.

  I promise to my love.

  Never give up myself.

  I can do it.

  Find myself, Try my best手抄报作品展

  Find myself, Try my best手抄报作品展

  Find myself, Try my best手抄报作品展

  Find myself, Try my best手抄报作品展

  Find myself, Try my best手抄报作品展

  Find myself, Try my best手抄报作品展

  Find myself, Try my best手抄报作品展

  Find myself, Try my best手抄报作品展

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