
Years later400字

作者: 更新时间:

  You haven't seen me sleepless all night, open my eyes until dawn, grieve and cry, need you like I have depression, wipe your hands and return your information when I take a bath, wake up in the middle of the night, hear your information, and wake up and return to you.

  Because I didn't see you shivering when I saw something about other people, or when I tried my best to defend you, or you hurt me because you couldn't bear it. You said you were right. Maybe I was wrong. So I let you go and let myself go. Now I'm silly and ugly. It's even more embarrassing than I want to mention any more. When I stumble along the road, I'm not sure whether it's luck or hard work, or just hard work. I don't mean I don't envy other people's lives, but I just admire them.

  I know I don't have the ability to bear that kind of life, if life still exists. What's the desire, maybe only in the restless world to find a way to give clumsy self! Every time I'm disappointed, I do one less thing to love you, until the last note changes to full name, cancels special attention, does not actively find you online, collects what you send, deletes all your photos, never peeks at you again. Wait, it's time to say goodbye.

  Many years later, will you remember that there was a person who cherished you very hard, disappointment is accumulated day by day, leaving is a long decision?

Years later字相关文章:

For three years200字

Later in the future500字

Years later400字

No title500字

No Title200字

Years later I十年后的我100字

元旦新年(New Years Day)200字

十年后的我Years later100字

Three years later450字

10年后的我Ten years later I150字

Years later400字





  • 榜样的力量600字


  • 倾诉的欲望500字


  • 行动中寻找目标500字


  • 真正的目标500字
