
A letter to distant relatives1600字

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  Article 1: a letter to distant relatives

  Dear uncle peng peng:

  Recent studies?Don't get your news recently, must study very nervous, so, let me to stop the mind.

  See you for the first time mom let me call you uncle, I am very defy spirit, because you is a big deal to me by several years, degress is so high.But because of age, and like to play basketball, and no gap between us.High school, is your school basketball team, but I learned a few moves, but you did not think I stupid, I to go to the stadium to play whenever you have a pull, you told me that all things must have the method, have patience, do a few times more happens for the best.I have learned, but you left.

  You have your own school, but you never give up because of this "friendship" with my little, I melodramatic up, you will push me study hard;When I shout tired you have to call my mother, let her take me to play basketball for a few hours.And I do not know anything about your life, only know that you are a university in zhengzhou.

  Recent side or in the summer vacation, we all seem to only that one month every year is to be able to in a piece, the last time I saw you I was really shocked, you more long more strong, the higher the longer, I seem to catch anymore.

  May you know, you don't know, I'm a junior high school graduate, nature is little not pressure, but I'm never going to listen to you, to play, it is really have no spare time, the second is my passion for basketball has been now that you know will be angry.But you taught me that means I did not forget, but the application very well.Examination, ten days it was just a quiz, compared with the effects but no matter how small the exam, everyone in the mood uneasy, I'd like to hear you to encourage me.Because you are my idol, I learn to give up the basketball, but you don't pass on both sides, you is really a great teacher, is a great teammate, more of a great elders!I now although in tension test every day, but I still can't help but imagine your life of high school life.

  You teach me to play, you took me down the river catch a shrimp, you severely reprimand angrily to you sincere encouragement...These things are embedded in my memory.I wish time not old, I hope we the same.

  Thousands of words, in this cold night, also said not over on a star, although they said you could not hear, but I thought I heard them say to me: "all things have the method, have patience, do a few times more happens for the best."Is that you encourage me?

  Wish: in school, in good health

  Your niece: Ms. Han ye

  January 5, 20 xx years

  Article 2: a letter to distant relatives

  Dear dad:

  How are you?

  I am your beloved daughter niu, suddenly, respectively for two years with you, since you go abroad, grandma that wash a face with a tear every day, last year, mother also went out to work, at home only I and my grandma two immediately.Grandma always cried and said in a dream, "yong child, you let my mother died!"Now, as long as grandma saw something you use, to somehow stay half a day.

  Dad, I want to you!Now our school on the school bus, I can go home every day with grandma.The cost of the school gave me a free ride, the teacher also let the students stand over me.However, all this can't instead of you and mom's love for me.However, dad you also rest assured that with the you send me money each month, the condition of our family has a lot of!Grandma has and the teacher said, let me like the other children to pay the fare.She also let opposite uncle wang gave me from the town, bought a big desk to try to do well my homework.

  A month on my birthday, a lot of my classmates came to grandma a big table of delicious meals, full of beautiful things in eyes.Friends all happy birthday to me, but I'm still not happy!In my birthday that day, I wish and you and mom have a family reunion dinner!But dad, you even such a small request, can't meet me?Dad, what I don't want barbie dolls, also don't want to be one of the most popular European dress, more don't want you on the day of the Chinese dress, I just want you a hug, that's it!

  Dad, you don't want to work abroad, will you?I listen to my grandma said, built a printing plant in the village, there is not very tired, pay around $two thousand a month, you go there to work, not tired, closer to home, I can see you everyday, that is a wonderful thing!At that time, you can take me to go fishing, go for a picnic, go to...

  You know, dad?It's snowing in the village recently!Under the snow swirl, very big, when we looked around, is like a jade dragon fire, scales, and like each ethereal white butterflies fly in the air, special beauty!After you come back, dad, we can make a snowman together, you will heap the kitten, isn't it?Do you remember two years ago you give I piled the, head is bigger than me.To make it gemstone eyes, took my mother and I made a lot of brain cells.You can proudly say, we have the world's largest cat.However, because the weather is warm and only just keep for three days, you said will give me later, this class is for two years.

  Heard that foreign special cold, dad, you can pay attention to keep warm don't cold, don't worry let me and grandma!

  First at enmity with you said, I will do my homework!

  I wish you: all the best, good health!

  Your beloved daughter: niu

  Article 3: a letter addressed to distant relatives

  My dear mother


  You recently body how?I'm fine.I'm new to meet a friend at school.His name is Liu Ruiheng.

  Liu Ruiheng round face with thick eyebrows, with thick eyebrows under have a pair of sparkling big eyes, he is not tall, overweight young, very lovely.

  He is a funny guy.He often emitted in jest, but he still continue to do, but others not tense laughter.He also self-deprecating, others give him the nickname is not good, he is not so, not only for human feelings, for example, I was his primary member, you can call his nickname for five times a day, this is almost the highest reward (of course, his "predators" Fan Hongxin can call his nickname infinite time), xie ge fei and other secondary members can call him again.

  He will care about others, once we physical education play football, I was xie ge fei tripped and ripped her pants, skin abrasions, burning pain, some people, and asking xie ge fei and other classmates are run to come over to ask any thing, Liu Ruiheng and hurriedly ran up and as he gasped for air as he asked, "is there any matter? Let me help you go and sit under the shade."He held me to below shade, I knew he wanted to play football, he said: "you go to play, I have to do is sit down."But he said, "I'm tired and sit down."He gave me a lot of jokes, I don't feel hurt.

  Liu Ruiheng also very naughty, sometimes enjoyed playing with st term, he wrote a note, it read Li Weizhao weaknesses in our class, after class, he secretly to Li Weizhao ass, from a distance, like a tail, and from his side through a man didn't don't smile, Li Weizhao don't know what we are laughing at, just stare big eyes looking at us, we are rolling in the aisles.

  Liu Ruiheng learning, sports are good.His chess under very great.I have seen a photograph, that he is good at chess.Is Liu Ruiheng and a college student in chess, Liu Ruiheng confidently on a chair, and that college students but frown, hesitated, don't know what to do.

  If her mother-in-law next to our house, I'll ask him to play, let the mother-in-law to meet.

  I wish you good health and everything goes well

  Love you yi day

  Article 4: a letter addressed to distant relatives

  Dear mom:


  The breeze blows over again the earth, the moon once again become this garden.Raise your hand is cast sufficient between all filled with the intermittent cold.I hope to the moon to spot glistening white shadow, the in the mind let out a heavy sigh.

  Mom, in the north of you, doing?

  I know at this time of hebei must have its first snow began to fall, I also know that since the ancient times is a full moon round and round, round, but now the full moon, I didn't see you.

  I remember how much you love me when I was a child.Tiny, I like a beautiful blue umbrella.It with lace, stick out like a stretch of clear sky on his head.But it must be pretty umbrella isn't cheap, do you see for a long time decided to leave.I be nasty, pursed mouth, so pull your skirt is not willing to go.You look at the umbrella, and look at me, finally bought the umbrella.Then how much I capricious!Then I walked with the umbrella, as if all the sadness isolated outside the world.

  Last weekend, the aunts would bring her daughter back to grandma's, I a person standing in front of the window and looked up at leaden sky, like a bystander coldly watching this world.During lunch, two sisters are nestled in the arms of mother, aunt kept to his cousin clip vegetables, let her eat this eat that, my cousin is a face of impatient.I remembered when I was a child mom you so let me eat this eat that, students have always nagging mother.But now, how I wish there was a man to a few words in my ears nagging, even a few words.Although my grandma in my side, but my grandma is old, after all, she is not you.

  You in hebei, the last time said grandma to take me to look at you, as my birthday present.How excited I have.Even as we are ready to start the day before, you called and said we don't have to the past, you need to work overtime, late at night to go back, even if to you also please not false.Grandma told me the news, I pretend to like it is not particularly care about, don't worry to grandma.But entered the room, I covered my head in the quilt to cry whining.

  Return to the Spring Festival, grandma said: "we need to see your mother."I suddenly excited, the New Year, must be mother to come back.I quickly ask: "where is mother?"Grandma smiled and said: "on the Internet."I am frustrated.Mom, you have two years did not come back home at a time.Do you know?

  : : the moon is round today, and my eyes and see your figure, tall, and love, kind of like that.Mom, I want to ask, in the distance you?

  Mom, I have a lot of a lot of words want to say to you.Mom, did you hear the daughter's thoughts?

  I wish: health, work smoothly

  Your daughter

  On January 5, 2015

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