
New year New Wish700字

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  2016 finally arrives. Without any specific reasons, I just didn't feel as excited as it was in the previous count-down. Maybe just because life goes on as usual no matter in 2016 or 2046. When I was small, I remembered that I used to set different new targets for myself: I will work harder than the last year; I will start my diet plan this year etc.

  This year, I seem to be tired of setting any plans just because I don't want to let myself down every single year. I am sick of this gross feeling. The only thing that I hope I can improve is that my heart can be opened wider to everyone around me. My friends left this place and further their studies abroad one by one. I think this did change my personality quite a lot. I just suddenly lost my one and only reliance that supports nearly my whole secondary school life. Without this, I just become panic and I don't want to adapt the surroundings.

  My wish: 1. can I become more out-going? I got too much stuff stuck inside my heart and my mind and I just needed a way to let them all out. Otherwise, I am sure that one day I would turn out to be a crazy guy and can't concentrate on my studies.

  2. Can I become more determined on a decision made by myself? Last year, I made quite a lot of decisions and most of them turned out to be undone. I started learning guitar and it's now in my wardrobe (maybe some white ants are now eroding it). I started to tell myself to become more hard-working and of course I just spent most of my time on different Internet surfing. Sometimes, I just ask myself: What's my life? I have no idea why I was born to this world, leaving me so much question unanswered. I hope I can pick up all the things again that I have leftover last year,

  3.Can I become more concentrated on one thing? I find myself couldn't control the usage of electronic devices a day. I wish I can set an organised timetable and restrict myself from spending too much time on unrelated things but just concentrated to my studies.

  Even though these wishes somehow seem a little bit common, I am sure these are gonna change my whole life if it DOES come true.

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New year New Wish700字

New year New Wish700字



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