
How to face emotins(如何面对感情)900字

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  The biggest difference between animals and human is that human can think So we have emotions

  Lovehatred and grief are emotionsI was an emotional boy since I was youngI love to watch the dark skythe moon and the starsThey always make me think about the future and beautiful dreamsThinking about emotions let me not only feel the happinessbut also the pains So I like emotions

  I’m not very patient with my parents at home sometimes even be stubborn As I’m growing up we are being more and more misunderstanding I don’t know how to face their love

  Also I’m a little timid I don’t like to talk with others long before Maybe I worked so hard in study that I had little time to have such a kind of emotion called friendship whether at school or in the society

  The relationship and emotions between boys and girls is unclear We are told to be careful of this So a girl seldom talks to a boy at school I had the same situation in Junior Grade 1But after one year’s time we knew each other better and talked more Then I found that everyone in my class had a kind heart and was friendly to others When I was in Grade Three a nice girl suddenly appeared in my mind Then I had a nicer and nicer expression of her As everyone thought I fell in love with her Maybe this is really a special kind of emotion it makes the distance between us much longer and this feeling lasts now I even don’t know how I love her or I don’t love her at all But I know I can’t forget her Now she’s in No2 Middle School I really don’t know how to deal with the emotion…

  Then how to deal with those emotions?

  As an emotional boy I’ve thought of this for quite a long time And I have found these ideas:

  The first one just be silent and away from others Though this sounds terrible it’s really a good way to study better But nobody can live in the world all by himself We should get to know others I can’t imagine what I’ll be like if I keep silent

  The second one to help them when they’re in trouble and then get to know them better maybe is really a nice way Everyone needs help and love I think helping others means a lotGradually I had a great and nice dream: make everyone happy This helps me much

  We are living to learn and know We shall work hard only to solve several emotions

  I have a third idea I think it’s the best one To face emotions just to accept them and get help from them

  Maybe large numbers of students aren’t interested in studying because children are always fond of playing So we should have a goal and a kind of power for studying: for success for living better for being happier for whom we love and who love us or…Many goals can be our power But there are still a few goals that can’t be such as for playing games for being manding and defiant to others for puppy love and so on If we have a nice and proper goal—a kind of power we’ll have enthusiasm to do things Then we’ll do things more excellently

  So face emotions just try to feel and use them!

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