
A low-carbon life400字

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  Today is a good weather. The teacher came, some students are very not disciplined, inside the classroom appeared to be very restless, because we know we are the most lovely English teacher today will take us out on the outdoor course, sure enough, the teacher had just come in on account of our purposes today to "Fanjing Mountain Park."

  As the teacher gave the order, I took whole class to off. We are taking the road along the river, where the scenery is beautiful, and rivers and green trees and the blue sky and white clouds cross echoes, the breeze blowing over the head with a point still flowers, give us all the way to enjoy the beautiful nature.

  Far we have heard thAt last we came to the destination, before we come to Mr. Zou has been a long pause, and his familiar figure on the opposite pavilion which, of course, his bike is not too far away from him, Look not it wants to. The fact is we come out the task, each site required to complete an essay. Just do it, after a period of struggle, after all of my writing done. Finally, we handed to Mr. Zou, where we finished writing can go home, is not very interesting, ah, anyway today it is a good day.e music fountain park sing. Across the road.

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